
University-college life experience workshop

What if……….?  Questions by recent high school Graduates

“What if I don’t pass the university entrance exam?”

“What if I get assigned to a university I didn’t choose? “

“What if I’m placed in a field of study I have no interest in? “

“What does life at university really entail? Will it be a realm of personal freedom or a realm of self-accountability?”

Numerous recent high school graduates who completed the University entrance exam three weeks ago are expressing apprehension regarding their upcoming university experiences. To address these concerns, the New Bright Community Development Center (NBCDC) orchestrated a one-day seminar titled “Insightful Session on University-College Life Experiences” for these graduates. The event took place at “Entoto Amba” Secondary School where NBCDC partnered with and attracted a gathering of over 70 high school graduates. Distinguished experts formed a panel for the occasion, including Dr. Birhan Wondimu from Addis Ababa University, Absalat Alemu, a certified clinical nurse and an alumnus of NBCDC’s educational scholarship initiative, Alemtsehay Kegne, a third-year psychology student at AAU, and Mrs. Tsedale Kinfu, the Executive Director of NBCDC.

The seminar proved to be highly interactive and enriched with firsthand experiences shared by the panelists. Delving into various subjects, the panelists explored matters such as making informed decisions about fields of study, time management, handling peer pressure, fostering positive relationships with fellow students, instructors, and the academic community, as well as strategies for financial self-support if the need arises. The workshop aimed to furnish students with awareness and advanced knowledge about the overall university/college experience, encompassing its opportunities, challenges, adaptive strategies, and techniques. For those who may not secure admission to state-owned universities, Technical and Vocational colleges emerged as an alternative avenue for pursuing higher education.

Throughout the seminar, students posed numerous inquiries tied to the presented topics. These ranged from managing emotional aspects following romantic disappointments to coping with the inability to meet university entrance requirements, dealing with parental resistance towards chosen fields of study, and ways to assist others. The panelists effectively addressed each query by sharing their personal experiences in similar circumstances. Given the practical nature of the solutions, all of which were drawn from real-life situations, the students readily connected with the insights provided.

As the session concluded, participants of the seminar found it incredibly valuable and reported heightened awareness about university/college life, its prospects, and challenges. They also gained insights into managing emotions and expectations when university admission results fall short. For many attendees, the seminar proved to be an enlightening experience.

Our gratitude extends to the school administration and the panelists for dedicating their time, energy, and expertise to positively impact the students’ lives.




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